Discover the Fascinating World of 10-Legged Crustaceans

Have you ever wondered about sea creatures with ten legs? These fascinating animals are called decapods, which means "ten-footed."

 They include crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and prawns. Let's dive into the world of these amazing creatures and learn more about them.

What Are Decapods?

Decapods are a group of crustaceans known for having ten legs. The word "decapod" comes from Greek, where "deca" means ten and "pod" means foot. 

These animals have a hard shell on the outside, called an exoskeleton, which protects their bodies. They live in various places, from the deep sea to shallow coastal waters.

Types of Ten-Legged Marine Crustaceans

American lobster with large, powerful claws on the ocean floor, a popular marine crustacean.
                                                                Source: Napkin.AI

Here are some common decapods you might know:

  • Crabs: Crabs have a short, flat body and usually walk sideways. Their front pair of legs have strong claws used for catching food and defending themselves. An example is the blue crab, often found along the Atlantic coast.

  • Lobsters: Lobsters have long bodies and live on the ocean floor. They have large claws to catch prey and protect themselves. The American lobster is a well-known species, famous for its size and tasty meat.

  • Shrimp: Shrimp are small and have a curved body. They are found in both saltwater and freshwater. Shrimp are important in the ocean food chain and are also popular seafood.

  • Prawns: Prawns look similar to shrimp but are usually larger. They have a slightly different body structure and are found in various water bodies. Prawns are also a common dish in many cuisines.

Anatomy of Decapods

Decapods have a body divided into two main parts:

  1. Cephalothorax: This is the front part, combining the head and thorax. It is covered by a hard shell called the carapace. The cephalothorax holds important organs like the heart and stomach.

  2. Abdomen: This is the back part, often flexible and segmented. In animals like lobsters and shrimp, the abdomen is muscular and helps in swimming. In crabs, the abdomen is usually tucked under the body.

Each of the ten legs, called pereiopods, has a specific function. The front pair often has claws (chelae) for grabbing food and defense. The other legs are mainly used for walking or swimming.

Fun Facts About Decapods

Close-up view of a decapod crustacean's exoskeleton, highlighting its claws and segmented body.
                                                                        Source: Napkin.AI

  • Molting: As decapods grow, they shed their old exoskeleton in a process called molting. This allows them to form a new, larger shell.

  • Regeneration: Some decapods can regrow lost limbs. If a crab loses a claw, it can regenerate a new one over time.

  • Camouflage: Many decapods can change color to blend into their surroundings, helping them avoid predators.

Decapods in Daily Life

Decapods play significant roles in marine ecosystems and human life:

  • Ecosystem Role: They help keep the ocean clean by eating dead plants and animals. They are also a vital food source for many larger animals.

  • Culinary Delights: Crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and prawns are enjoyed worldwide in various dishes. They are not only tasty but also provide essential nutrients.


Ten-legged marine crustaceans, or decapods, are incredible creatures with unique features and behaviors. From their specialized legs to their ability to regrow limbs, they showcase the wonders of marine life. 

Next time you see a crab scuttling on the beach or enjoy a shrimp cocktail, you'll know a bit more about these fascinating animals.

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Key Takeaways

  • Decapods are crustaceans with ten legs, including crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and prawns.

  • They have a hard exoskeleton and a body divided into the cephalothorax and abdomen.

  • Decapods play essential roles in the ecosystem and are popular in cuisines worldwide.

Did You Know?

The largest lobster ever recorded weighed over 44 pounds! That's as heavy as a medium-sized dog.

Explore More

If you're curious about these creatures, consider visiting a local aquarium. Observing them up close can be both fun and educational.


Global Seafoods
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